
Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Great Start To Our Timetables

Hello again! We have been using weekly timetables to keep track of our learning. It is quite new for me. We have to sign up for our workshops. Our teachers sends us a google form via email. We fill it out and send it back filled in. Then we put our workshop on our timetable of course we put other things in. There is this really cool page called links to learning. We have to do all of the activates on the page  at least once. We fill in four days of the week, Monday to Thursday on our timetable. We have to make sure that we are at the right workshop at the right time. We know which workshop to go to because it will be a workshop about a some piece of learning that we don't understand.

I learnt that we don't have to have a teacher telling us what to do. We get thirty minutes to work on the activity that we have signed up. At the end of the thirty minutes there is a bell. That bell tells us that we have to move on to our next activity. We have to check with the teacher of what we have done and she/he will check it off. 

This is a screenshot of our timetable. You can see what other people are doing. We go to our learning hub to get on to the new timetable. Here is a a screenshot of the clock below. 

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