
Wednesday, 12 September 2018

My 1080 Speech

This year our speeches are based around " Actions Speak Louder Than Words " My topic is " 1080 not anymore (Save Our Native Birds)"

 1.1080, Not Anymore (Save Our Animals)
This term our school focus is “ Actions Speak Louder Than Words”. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, means don’t just talk the talk, you need to walk the walk as well. Did you know that our native animals like birds horses bunnies rabbits pig cows foxes deer cows dogs are dying from 1080? 1080 is a poison that is killing all our animals. We are dropping 1080 in the forests, to kill pests like (rats and mice) but our helpful animals are getting killed by it as well. We need to change this! Also 1080 is toxic. 1080 is only affecting animals that live on land. If you haven't caught on by now 1080 is BAD!

2.Would you rather see birds flying and animals running around, or see them fall to the ground like rain dropping from the sky. What is killing our animals? 1080!  What are we getting more and more animals killed by? 1080!  1080 is deadly to all animals and potentially humans too!

3.Why can't we find a friendlier way to kill pests? The fish in the sea are also getting 1080 dropped in there ocean. Luckily the 1080 is not affecting the fish. What is being dropped in the ocean? 1080! What is getting dropped in our forests? 1080! If that was not enough  here's another reasons why we should banned 1080.

4.1080 is already banned in Brazil, Belize ,Cuba, Laos, Slovenia, Thailand. Why can’t we  ban 1080? There are so many countries that have banned it like the countries I previously said. Would you help me ban 1080 to make New Zealand a better place.

5.So in conclusion, what are you still waiting for, come on help me ban 1080. Why are we letting 1080 kill animals. Letting it being dropped in our oceans and our forests. There has recently been a rabbit 1080 drop.  why can't we ban it too?